Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions are a great invention. Basically, all you have to do is make up a few New Year's Resolutions to stick to for the entire year. I decided to share mine with you guys because you are always so supportive and helpful and are almost like family.

I thought long and hard about my New Year's Resolutions this year. So here they are:

1. Drink at least 2L of water a day.
     I was always a little bit unhealthy ever since I left my old school, where teachers promoted drinking water. This also involved people going to the bathroom a lot more often. Back then I used to drink at least 5L of water a day.
     Ever since then, I wanted to become healthier again by drinking water. As our school despises people going to the toilet and sometimes we get detention for going to the toilet too many times, I don't get so many chances to do that. So I decided to stick to 2L because bottles of such size are easy to find and this amount won't have me running to the toilet every 30 minutes.

2. Lose 15kg of weight.
  I've never been skinny but never fat either. 15kg seems like a lot, but I promise that I am not in a healthy range. I just want to look more attractive for my summer trip to an exotic country and I have a crush on someone (but later on that ;) )

3. Always substitute for healthier options.

As I told you earlier, I am a bit more unhealthy than I was. So I decided to add this one on to remind myself of th ehealthy lifestyle - swapping popcorn to celery or chocolate to apples. This won't nessesarily help with weightloss, but with my health. I also reccomend this to you - as it makes you feel more clean, healthy, alert and feeling better overall.
4. Save up at least £200 for my visit to the exotic country.

    I think this is great to do because I will be staying there with my extended family for 5 weeks! And I don't want to rely on my extended family (who are not rich) to pay for my personal expenses. By the way, my parents are not going. So this is great goal, in my opinion.

5. Be kinder to all my bullies and haters.

    I think this is very important because Christ teaches us to love and forgive everyone. And I cannot be mean or even ignorant towards them because it is against my nature. They are only doing all they do because they are jealous of me and if I have a better personality, they will be ven more jealous.

So HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you! I wish you all the best in the new year.

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