Saturday, 30 January 2016

I Hate Holidays

Social rules. Everyone has to follow them. Everyone has to be the same. To fit in.

One of those social rules is to like holidays. Everyone likes holidays, right? I don't. And nobody accepts that. Why? People hate work and hospitals, so why can't I hate holidays?

Here are my reasons for hating holidays:

  • DRAMA! I hate drama and feelings. I hate the way when people have so much time that they invent problems. This is what my mom does. Right now she is crying and saying about how she will send me to orphanage. This never happens when it is a working day. Like a clock, every Saturday evening (weekend=short holiday) she cries and shouts at me for various reasons e.g. for not letting her dye my hair, for being an introvert, for liking precision and accuracy, for my favourite colour being blue, for me liking my name and asking people to pronounce it correctly, for not beating the people who bully me.

  • NOTHING TO DO! Holidays are so boring and there is no routine. I like when everything is planned out, but holidays just make it really hard by givin us too much free time. I waste time like crazy. I watch movies, spend hours on YouTube and lay around all day. Laziness takes over. I hate it.

  • EXPENSES! Going on holiday is so expensive and I don't like spending money. I do spend on essentials and give people presents, but I do not buy designer clothes and go on cruises. That is just me. As a matter of fact, that is what my mom is telling me off for right now. Because I am not empathetic as I like to save money. I know. CRAZY!!!

I hope one day the world will be so that everyone can accept everyone else. For their likes and dislikes. Hating holidays and enjoying school is very normal. It is not like it is a weird fettish of dressing up.

So why do people hate me because I hate holidays? Is it because I am a threat to society? Is it because I don't like fighting? Is it because I am who I am?

People hate me. For various reasons.

If you hate something and like something, it is okay. Even if it's a fettish ;).

I accept you the way you are. People like us need to come together and stay strong against all the people who are mean, disrespectful and haters.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

My Crush (And Fears)

I thought, nobody read this blog anyway, so let me tell them a secret.

I have a crush. On a boy. His name is Mark, but I am going to save his details.

I don't know. I am not in love yet, but I am considering it. It looks like he likes me because he acts all nervous around me and tries to ipress me by showing his smartness, but not in a cocky way.

He is my kind of guy. He is kind, considerate, smart, tall... His friends are a bit upsetting. I am not really friendly with them, but not agressive.

I have no will to ask him out. I am not a flirty type of person, so if I start flirting he is definetly going to understand that I like him. But because I am not sure if he likes me or not for sure, it can be dangerous.

In addition, if I start flirting everyone will notice and I will be bullied even further. BTW I am bullied by half my year because I am a 'nerd'. Sidetracking, I am not upset by the bullying becuase all they are telling me is that I am smarter than them in a way that hurts most people, but makes me feel stronger.

So I am just going to post the updates on here.

For my safety and the safety of my crush, I decided to alter his name. This is just in case he finds this blog and reads my feelings.

Oh, and he is a very good guy. i just had my feelings crushed once before so this time I decided to take it easy and not fall for Mark too quickly without confirmation. FYI, I can still backtrack in my feelings as I made sure I can control them.

If you have any advice, leave it below. My comments are not censored. Thanks!!!

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Easy 14 Day Diet for Teenagers and Young Adults

Hello Everyone!

As you know, one of my New Years Resolutions was to lose weight. I know this diet that I made up myself that really works. I tried it last year and lost 10kg in two weeks! It is great for the summer.

You don't have to do any sport for this, but these are some of the rules you have to follow:
- Drink at least 2L of water a day (keep hydrated as it will be easier for your body to clear of the toxins and lose weight)
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep (it will be easier to lose weight when you are full of energy)

These two rules can make a huge difference in your weight loss. Now, onto the diet!

The basics of this is that you eat the same thing everyday, which makes your body adjust and get ready for each meal. your stomach and digestive system then knows what you are going to eat with no delay, making it easier to digest.

You also won't get hungry,  as this diet lets you eat every two hours. This keeps your stomach going and never hungry.

- 2 fried eggs (no butter or oil)
- 1 cup of coffee (milk allowed)

2nd Breakfast:
- 1 banana
- 250mL of water (preferibly cold)

- 1 can of tuna (no oil)
- 100mL of milk (preferibly warm)

2nd Lunch:
- 1 banana
- 250 mL of water (preferibly cold)

- 1 cup of rice (cooked)
- ! tsp of soy sauce (optional)
- 100mL of milk (preferibly warm)

2nd Dinner:
- 1 banana
- 250 mL of water (preferibly cold)

The thing about this diet, is that the liquids can be switched around. For example, you can have milk with the banana and water with rice. But know that the recommendation is to have it precisely to what it is in the specifications above.

I wish you luck and I will keep you posted about my progress!